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One more year passed, many things changed since the last time I wrote, this year was very abnormal to what we were used to, but certainly personally it has given me great life lessons, my life not only changed because of the pandemic, Many people I met are no longer with us but in addition to that, great changes have happened, in the end I believe and hope that these changes have been for the better, I am not the same person from last year I have grown with the lessons of this year and that it’s good, now I see life from another perspective.

The whole universe is constantly changing, so it is not strange that life itself changes from one day to the next, the best we can do is adapt to change and not cling to that life will never change, we have to let life flow, things better will come, you just have to give time to time.

This time I will not promise to update the blog more often, from the beginning I thought of it as a vitacora of my experiences, and I intend to keep it that way, I will write whenever I feel the need to do so, until then …
